I wanted to take a moment to share with all of you my incredible experience since I began my Yoga journey. From the moment I started, I knew it had the potential to help me with my anxiety, flexibility, and balance. As a firm believer in holistic health and the mind-body connection, I was eager to explore the world of yoga.

My Journey Begins:

About three months ago, I attended my first yoga class at the gym. I tried different classes and met various instructors until I found Mark, my current private yoga instructor. From the very first session with him, I sensed that we were about to embark on a remarkable journey together. Since then, we practice yoga privately every Saturday, and I also make it a point to attend a group yoga class at the gym on Thursdays.

A Transformative Experience:

Since embracing yoga into my life, I’ve noticed a significant transformation. I feel much calmer, more present in the moment, and my flexibility and balance have improved drastically. The beauty of yoga lies in its simplicity; all you need is a yoga mat, and you can practice anytime, anywhere. The peace that meditation, prayer, and yoga flow bring to my life is incomparable. I promise to delve deeper into the topic of meditation in a future blog post.

Exploring Vinyasa and Ashtanga Yoga:

The type of yoga I practice is Vinyasa, which has a rhythmic and dance-like quality. Another style that I adore is Ashtanga, which offers a more challenging experience. The diversity in these practices keeps me engaged and eager to learn more.

The Power of Presence and Self-Acceptance:

Throughout my yoga journey, I’ve learned the importance of being present and understanding my body’s needs. Some days, I can effortlessly perform yoga poses, while on other days, even the most basic poses seem challenging. I’ve come to realize that this is a reflection of my mental state – how stressful or calm my week has been. It emphasizes the profound connection between the mind and body.

Embracing Humility and Letting Go of Ego:

Yoga has taught me to leave my ego at the door when I step onto my mat, and I carry this lesson into my daily life. Initially, in group classes, I wanted to be the best, to have perfect poses and impress others. Now, I understand that each individual has their own journey, and comparing myself to others is a waste of energy. Today, I accept my imperfections and limitations, knowing that it’s all part of the process. Sometimes my balance is 100%, other times barely 10%, and that’s okay.

Spirituality and Finding Connection:

Surprisingly, yoga has deepened my spiritual connection with God and everything I believe in. The philosophy of yoga has shown me how incredible our creator is and how we are all perfectly made. It’s a powerful reminder that we are never alone on our journey.

Patricia Dias

Para mais imagens, acesse @patriciafeitosadiass


I hope that sharing my journey with you inspires you to explore the practice of yoga. The mental, physical, and spiritual benefits it offers are beyond measure. Embrace the lessons of presence, humility, and self-acceptance that yoga brings, and you’ll find yourself on a path to balance and harmony. Join me in discovering the transformative power of yoga in shaping a healthier, happier, and more connected life. Namaste! Yoga Journey story


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