Anxiety is a natural part of being human, and it’s common to experience it when awaiting a response, facing uncertainties, or going through major life changes. I, too, have struggled with anxiety, and it’s essential to recognize when it becomes overwhelming and impacts our well-being negatively. Today, I want to share my personal experiences and some valuable tips on how I cope with anxiety. If you’re looking for ways to find peace amidst anxiety, keep reading.

My Anxiety Story:

Anxiety wasn’t always a constant in my life, but I distinctly remember my first major episode when I was preparing to move from Brazil to Ireland for my study abroad program. The anxiety resurfaced when I relocated to London and dealt with the prolonged process of obtaining my residence card, which lasted for about nine months. The stress, lack of sleep, nail-biting, and negativity took a toll on me until I found a powerful revelation that shifted my perspective.

Avoid Dwelling on Negative Thoughts:

Conquering negative thoughts is an ongoing process, but it has a profound impact on our mental health. In moments of difficulty, our minds tend to generate negative assumptions. However, I’ve learned that positive thinking attracts positivity. Even if things don’t go as planned, believing that something better is on the horizon makes a significant difference.

Control What You Can and Let Go of the Rest:

Frustration often arises when we feel out of control. But when we’ve done everything in our power, it’s essential to let go of what we can’t control. Be it waiting for a job response or an apartment approval, worrying excessively won’t speed up the process or make us feel better. Trust that whatever is meant to be will unfold in due time.

Engage in Activities That Bring Joy:

When anxiety overwhelms me, I turn to activities I love. Whether it’s reading a book, exercising at the gym, or spending time with animals at the park, these hobbies distract me from the anxiety and uplift my spirits. Find what brings you joy and make time for it, especially during moments of stress.

Share Your Feelings with Loved Ones:

Having someone to confide in is vital for maintaining good mental health. I’m fortunate to have my parents and husband to lean on when I need to vent or seek advice. Sharing your worries with a trusted individual lightens the emotional load and provides comfort during challenging times. If you don’t have someone close, consider reaching out to a professional.

Seek Professional Help If Needed:

While I haven’t personally sought professional help for my anxiety, I acknowledge that it can be crucial for individuals facing severe anxiety and depression. Seeking therapy is not a sign of weakness but a courageous step towards better mental health. Trained professionals can provide invaluable insights and suggest appropriate treatments if necessary.

Find Solace in Faith:

As a person of faith, I find solace in entrusting my worries to a higher power. Prayer and surrendering my concerns to God have brought me immense peace. While I respect that everyone’s beliefs are different, I encourage you to find what brings you comfort and practice it during times of anxiety.


Dealing with anxiety is an ongoing journey, and what works for one person may differ for another. My hope is that sharing my experience and coping strategies has offered some guidance and comfort to those facing anxiety. Remember, you are not alone, and it’s okay to seek support when needed. Embrace the journey of finding peace and remember that you have the strength to overcome anxiety.

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